
I could drive forever with scenes like this. #adventure #romance #maui

I could drive forever with scenes like this. #adventure #romance #maui



If you are lucky, you will find one of these birds and “Bud the Birdman” on the Road to Hana #adventure #romance #hana #maui

If you are lucky, you will find one of these birds and “Bud the Birdman” on the Road to Hana #adventure #romance #hana #maui



If you can think of a more beautiful tree, I want to know about it! #adventure #romance #hana #maui
by airkev on Flickr.

If you can think of a more beautiful tree, I want to know about it! #adventure #romance #hana #maui

by airkev on Flickr.



Can you deny that this photo draws you into it, just like a good story does? #adventure #romance #hana

Can you deny that this photo draws you into it, just like a good story does? #adventure #romance #hana



Hi Paul. I’ve received my R2H cd & map and have listened to it 3 times so far and I must say that I am stoked.

It contains everything I was looking for and more. I am so glad that I decided to buy this package. It is well worth the price of admission, and I haven’t been to Maui yet!

This is going to be the most memorable experience of my life, I can just feel it. It is exactly 60 days from today that I will be heading to my little slice of heaven.

You and your team have done a terrific job, something I’m sure you’re very proud of.


— Len
Salt Spring Island, BC

(Road to Hana CD Guide)



What does the backside of the Road to Hana look like? Now you know.

What does the backside of the Road to Hana look like? Now you know.



Aloha Turkey Day! Check out this suntanned turkey we found!

Aloha Turkey Day! Check out this suntanned turkey we found!



Brand new hot-off-the-press t-shirts for the Road to Hana! These make the perfect Christmas gifts for those that want to remember their trip and/or surprise those that drove the Road to Hana with them!

Brand new hot-off-the-press t-shirts for the Road to Hana! These make the perfect Christmas gifts for those that want to remember their trip and/or surprise those that drove the Road to Hana with them!
